Sunday, October 25, 2009

4 months and still counting.

I haven't been writing for awhile due to several reasons, mainly because I've been ridiculously busy, however, having to say that, I'm glad that I still manage to cook at least a few times per week. Cooking is not just a therapeutic experience, it is also very comforting to cook for someone you love, obviously, the person whom I'm talking about here is no other, but my dearest boo, aka Paul.

We spent a lot of time in the kitchen, playing our own individual role when comes to domestic tasks. I cook while he puts the laundry away, hangs them and keeps them. (Occasionally some almost mishaps) Sometimes he would help me out in cooking; cutting butternut pumpkin etc. Needless to say, he's a wonderful sous chef. A damn bloody gorgeous looking one too.

4 months have flied, I haven't stop cooking and Paul is still alive after eating food cooked by me. Somehow I'm cooking more than usual, especially with my birthday gift from Paul: Nigella Lawson's recipe book. I tried some recipes from her book and I think I'm not exactly a book follower in terms of following the measurement and sometimes I'm too cheapskate to get some ingredient knowing that I am probably going to use it once. The results haven't been compromised and sometimes substituting an ingredient is a form of innovation and creativeness displayed in cooking.

One of the many dishes--
Sunday Brunch:
Hakka Yong Tau Foo: vegetables and tofu cubes heaped with fresh fish paste, spring onions and chillies dipped in yellow bean and garlic sauce.